January 24, 2011

And the most photographed kid on the planet is….

…quite possibly our son.

We’re taking a small blogging break from wedding photography and couples to give you all a small visual update. 12 weeks ago a tiny little boy joined us and well, we’ve fallen head over heels in love. Watching him grow chubbier and outgrowing his clothes faster than we can rotate through them has been incredible. Tim and I have been reduced to absolute emotional and sentimental mushballs when it comes to Kaden – every gesture and coo has either of us running for our iPhone or camera – whichever is closer. Seriously, it was like Christmas morning over here when Kaden gave us his first big gummy smile.

Throughout the pregnancy, family, friends, clients and wedding guests all predicted that our baby was going to be photographed a lot. No kidding. I wonder if our big shiny lenses are as familiar a sight to Kaden as our my and Tim’s faces. We’re quite happy to share a very small set of some our favorite images from the past couple of months:

Kaden and his cousin who’s 4 months his senior: