March 24, 2010

Ingrid + Billy: Married!

Calm and collected. That was Ingrid mere hours, and then minutes away from marrying Billy. But then again, they got engaged just this past New Years and pulled together a beautiful, elegant and fun wedding in a few short months. These are folks who don’t seem to stress over stuff big or small – at least when it came to their wedding – Billy and Ingrd were just happy and content to get married and have fun. There was a particularly touching speech during the night given by a friend who had introduced the two during a birthday dinner (which was actually a ploy to set them up – a friend who was so convinced that they belonged together that she even organized a second gathering) proclaimed them two of the nicest people who are so right for  each other. We wholeheartedly agree.

Their wedding took place at the Nelligan in Old Montreal. March is so unpredictable weatherwise but we had enough sun to get some great outdoor shots for their First Look (we love it when couples decide to see each other before the ceremony!) on a rooftop terrace. Some of our favorite images are below:

Bon Jovi was in town the same night playing a concert – so the everyone on the dancefloor totally belted out “Livin’ on a Prayer” when it came on: