December 31, 2012

Hello, Logan Ezekiel Chin!

As I mentioned in our previous blog post, as if life couldn’t be more hectic between moving and some health issues on Tim’s end, we had to tend to a cranky toddler who fell sick the week before the holidays – and needed to be glued to us 24/7. I remember sitting with a very feverish Kaden in our rocking chair, surrounded by half opened boxes, fighting fatigue amd thinking to myself – how on earth are we going to handle a newborn?

But just as Kaden was starting to get better, our sweet little Logan Ezekiel arrived just before the holidays – all cute dimples and coos and reducing me into a ball of gooey mush. It is fitting that after a tough season this little package of joy arrived, and just in time to help us ring in a new year! We’ve been crazy busy but have managed to snap a few photos of our newest family member to share. Happy New Year!