This has probably got to be one of the longest stretches we’ve gone without blogging a fresh post, like, ever. It’s been bananas, y’all. Bananas.
First, a strange and scary medical problem for Tim came up near the end of November which brought business as usual to a screeching halt. It has since been resolved but it was a rough time for our family. On top of that, within days of that happening, we moved. That’s right, with a toddler in tow, me being 38 weeks pregnant and Tim pretty much out of commission, we moved house, but with an army of friends and family helping and supporting us. Thank the Lord for community.
So we’re settling into our new abode, preparing for our new addition to the family (who should be arriving any day now) and trying to get back to the normal rhythm of things – which includes working on weddings. We have some great, gorgeous weddings to share in the coming days and weeks that are in the works. Here is a sneak peek of things to come: