Last year, as we entered the second year of the global pandemic, I -like I’m sure many you – was entering something of a professional existential crisis. So, in April of 2021, I signed up for Two Mann U, a 14-week mentoring course taught by two of the most sought after, world-renowned photographers/educators in our industry Erika and Lanny from Two Mann Studios. I knew it was going to be good, but I did not realize how rewarding it was actually going to be.
Along with my some 300-ish classmates we were encouraged to photograph subjects that interest us, to actively and intentionally see light and, occasionally (but definitely not exclusively) employ some nifty camera trickery. This was practice and homework – and I had ready and willing (sometimes tolerating) subjects in the three humans I parent with Angela.
As we progressed, I quickly realized that this journey was more than just practice, it was a profound and meaningful observation and documentation of my kids as they grow up. Not just the vacations, or the milestones, or the birthdays – but the everyday, small, inconsequential, in-between moments in which we live the majority of our lives. The Spectacular Normal.
This practice of seeing the beauty in routine, in the regular and ordinary has been much-needed medicine in this contentious point in history. It is a reminder that, yes there are still so many subtle moments for which to be grateful, still so many small, otherwise missable details to revere.
Congratulations to my fellow 2021 winners in the Fearless Family Photographers community – especially Sabine Doppelhofer who took home the Photographer of the Year with a whopping 11 awards. Please go and enjoy her work, it deserves to be celebrated.
Receiving recognition in the company of such wonderfully talented photographers is both an honour and extremely humbling. But the real gift is in the journey, which I am excitedly still on. So stay tuned for more.